Can I connect my Friendship Lamp to multiple groups?

Absolutely! With the newly updated Luvlink app, you can now add or connect your lamp to a second GroupID. 

How to create a GroupID (during initial setup)?

If this is the first time that you are setting up your lamp, you will need to create a GroupID if you are just starting your group, or connect to an existing group if you already have an established GroupID. 

To create a new GroupID or join a group, please download the Luvlink App on your phone and follow the initial setup instructions below:

  1. Ensure that the lamp is dim red. This can be achieved by holding down on the touch pad for about 3-5 minutes (for classic and modern Friendship Lamps) or insert a pin underneath the reset pinhole underneath (for the Infinity Range).
  2. On the app, tap on '+ Add Device'.
  3. Choose 'Create a new group' 
  4. Otherwise, choose 'Connect to an existing group' if you already have a GroupID.

Creating a new group will automatically generate a GroupID and you can share this to others who you'd like to join in.

When a new lamp connects to a group, it will turn yellow as it is awaiting approval from the group admin (the person who created the group).

How to add a second GroupID?

Once the lamp is setup and connected, it will go to swirling green indicating that it is ready to communicate with other lamps in your group.

To add or connect to a second group, just open up the app and follow these simple steps below.

1. Go into your lamp's settings (cog wheel) on the app.

2. Open up the GroupID section under your Device Information.

3. Under the Second GroupID, choose to either 'Create a new group' or 'Connect to an existing GroupID'.

If you need more help connecting to a second group or encounter any issue at all, please reach out to our Support Team via email here for assistance.

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