Our Luvlink Friendship Lamps have limitless color options and you can choose exactly which color you'd like to set your lamp to using the LuvLink App.
When using the App, you can choose any shade of color that you wish, so you are not limited at all by your color choice.
Check out the LuvLink App Features and follow these easy steps in picking or changing your lamp color!
1. Tap on your lamp's settings (cog wheel) on your app dashoard.
2. Select 'Color' under Device Functionalty
3. Pick a color from the color chart and then, press 'Save'.
4. Go back to your dashboard to 'Send Touch to Everyone' or tap each indivual lamp if you'd like to send greetings to a specific group member.
If you have questions or encounter any issue at all, please reach out to our Support Team via email here for assistance.