Dimming time

When a lamp is touched, all lamps in the group will pulse for about 30 seconds before staying on for another 30 minutes by default. The lamp will gradually grow dimmer over this time until it automatically turns off.

The Luvlink App's 'Dimming Time' feature allows you to extend the time for the lamp to stay on for - from 30 minutes up to 23 hours! This could come in handy for you to be able to see the color that was last sent to your group when you are out for the day.

On the app, just go into your lamp's settings, tap on Dimming Time, and then select the number of hours and minutes from the dropdown.

In addition to the Dimming Time, you can also adjust the length of the flashing/ pulsing time and the pattern that the colors are shown on your lamp when they are received.

Check out the Animations Feature of the Luvlink App here! Creating Patterns

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